Martian Thoughts

Angry about feeling angry


Although I am as prone to anger as anyone else, I belong to the group of individuals (I believe we are the majority) who don’t particularly enjoy rage or umbrage.

Being angry feels like indigestion to me. A subdued malaise that overlays consciousness. A surreptitious and unsettling sensation that spreads to every last inch of me.

Anger drives some people. They live in anger, fed and fuelled by it, energised. Their anger spreads, like wildfire, and we burn, like dry underbrush. The sharpest and most cunning among these spreaders of fury know exactly what they’re doing. They are cold-blooded about it. They anger us and it’s anger we breed for them – unaware assistants.

How not to be angry and still confront the angry onslaught escapes me to this day. However, one way or another, we must persevere. The alternative – their ultimate victory – is too dark to fathom.